The COLD Program
Christ Oriented Leadership Development
2024-2025 Dates
November 1-3
January 3-5
March 28-30
Camp is awesome, but for most of us it only lasts one week of the year. What about the friendships we built at camp? What about the growth we experienced in our relationship with Christ? What about the fun we had? How can these things continue for the other 51 weeks of the year?
That’s where the COLD program comes in. It's a series of weekend retreats for grade 9-12 students, centred around growing in our relationship with Christ. It stands for Christ Oriented Leadership Development. We wanted to create a program similar to our very successful BOLD camps, where campers come, have fun, learn to serve, and grow as Christian leaders. So it’ll be similar to BOLD, but take place during the non-summer months of the year, thus COLD (don’t worry, the buildings will still be heated).
We have four main goals for the COLD program:
1. We want it to be a place for youth to grow in their faith.
2. We want youth to develop/continue positive relationships with other Christians their age.
3. We want youth to learn practical leadership skills.
4. We want youth to have fun. Each weekend will be filled with game times, Bible studies, time to hang out, instructional sessions, and at least one “Big Fun Thing”. Oh, and food. Can’t forget about the food.
So whether you’re already a camp summer missionary, you came to BOLD, you’re a teen camper, or maybe you haven’t even been to KLBC yet, COLD is for you. It’s a great way to have fun, grow in your faith, and develop as a leader, all alongside other youth who share your passions. So tell your friends, and get ready to keep the magic of camp going all year long!
The Details
Schedule: Youth will arrive on the Friday evening at 7:00. We'll spend the rest of Friday evening getting to know each other, playing games, eating snacks, and starting into our Bible study. Saturday will consist of a lots of small games, food, time to just hang out, a couple more Bible study times, and one "Big Fun Thing". Sunday we'll take one last look in our Bibles, debrief the weekend, eat together, and depart just after noon.
Cost: Each weekend will cost $80/person. Ideally youth would attend all three weekends, creating strong friendships with other COLD participants and building upon what was learned each previous weekend. However, if a camper is unable to attend for health reasons or a weekend is cancelled and payment has already been made, a full refund will be available. Camper sponsorships are available for those who want to come but are unable to afford it. Click here to apply for financial assistance.
Registration: Click here to register now! Space is limited, so register right away. Registration will be confirmed via email. Payment can be made by cheque or e-transfer.
Other Questions? If you have more questions we'd love to hear from you. You can email Clay at